Here is some pictures of my ongoing progress on the kitchen cabinet project.
It has been raining, raining, and more raining (not correct grammer but who cares, it's raining) here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest...I've been spending all my time lately on a HUGE project, I am finally painting my kitchen cabinets, finally, after 10 yrs of saying, "I'm gonna paint my kitchen cabinets!" and then Spring comes, gardening begins, and I head outside till November! Then Christmas comes...you get the idea, right?!
Been a loooooooong time since I have blogged! I kinda, (no I totally did), lost my mojo after my husband was diagnosed with cancer 3 yrs ago, we have had quite a battle both bodily, and emotionally...both of us, the cared for, and the caregiver, which would mean ME. Lots of things have changed, some for the bad, but mostly for the good because God is above ALL after all!!