I've had a big RV adventure, not only the driving around in the RV kind, but a total remodel of a rat infested mess kind...it all started over a year ago, our mission, find a really cheap RV with a Cummins diesel engine (It's a super important guy thing) and fix that sucker up. I found this ad on Craigslist in Montana, yep, Montana, and told my husband, "ROAD TRIP!!!!", we jumped in our car and headed out, making it to Anaconda Montana in just over a day and a half. Found this 34 foot mess of a motorhome, parked in a field, and let me tell you the pictures on Craigslist were a BIG FAT HAIRY LIE!!! It sucked!!! BUT WE TALKED THE GUY DOWN TO $4000 BUCKS, SO WE BOUGHT THE GROSS SMELLY, RAT PEE, STINKIN PIT...and YES, after 5 days of work which included: NEW BATTERIES, SOME GAS, AND FIXING THE WIRING THE RATS HAD CHEWED THROUGH (can you believe this guy selling his RV on Craigslist, had no batteries, not a drip of diesel in it, and couldn't of started it to save his life, yet he listed it anyway?!!) WE HOOKED UP OUR CAR TO THE BACK AND HEADED HOME ON A WING AND A PRAYER, THE ONLY BAD THING THAT HAPPENED, A TIRE BLEW, CONSIDERING WE WERE DRIVING IN A ROLLING RATS NEST, THAT WAS PRETTY GREAT!!!
This is the kitchen, dining area, new beadboard walls, white painted cabinets, sleek pulls, everything new and clean, oh, and love the smart tile on the kitchen walls!
Better view of the kitchen.
This is our motto, just me, my husband, and sweet doggie boy Teddy.
Long view from the front to back.
From bedroom to the front, painted everything white.
Grey painted stripes in the bathroom.
Tufted headboard, coral and grey theme.
Recovered the old blue velvet cornice boards.
EXTERIOR AFTER: My husband put the stripes on, and I painted everything with Rustoleum Hammer Paint...Yes, I spray painted my RV!
Are you digging that glorious eagle????
Nothing like 1980's brass mirrors, mirrors, and more mirrors
YUMMY, look what's under that beautiful blue shag carpet!
OH, parquet floors my absolute fav!
BATHROOM BEFORE...floors just a bit gross, ya think?!
Yep, falling down splatter painted pink and blue plastic wallpaper.
Husband putting up the new beadboard!
New painted cabinets, and my tufted headboard, beats those brass mirrors for sure.
Exterior BEFORE